2.6 Go语言中的Map
Map属于引用型(References),指向Hash Table,类似Python中的dict
var mymap map[string]int
这样定义出来的map实际上是一个nil,这里不包含任何元素你也不能赋值,如果赋值的话会提示assignment to entry in nil map,所以需要定义并初始化。
var mymap map[string]int{key1: value1, ..., keyN: valueN}
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
monthdays := map[string]int{
"Jan": 31, "Feb": 28, "Mar": 31,
"Apr": 30, "May": 31, "Jun": 30,
"Jul": 31, "Aug": 31, "Sep": 30,
"Oct": 31, "Nov": 30, "Dec": 31,
fmt.Printf("monthdays = %v\n", monthdays)
./test_maps.go:10:40: syntax error: unexpected newline, expecting comma or }
mymap := make(map[Key_Type]Value_Type, initial_Capacity)
mymap := make(map[Key_Type]Value_Type)
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var mymap map[int]string
// panic: assignment to entry in nil map
//mymap[1] = "one"
fmt.Printf("var define map is %v\n", mymap)
mymakemap := make(map[int]string)
mymakemap[1] = "one"
fmt.Printf("var define map is %v\n", mymakemap)
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
monthdays := map[string]int{
"Jan": 31, "Feb": 28, "Mar": 31,
"Apr": 30, "May": 31, "Jun": 30,
"Jul": 31, "Aug": 31, "Sep": 30,
"Oct": 31, "Nov": 30, "Dec": 31,
year := 0
// We ignore the key value, so use _ here, and we can not use _
// as variable or you will get 'cannot use _ as value'
for _, days := range monthdays {
year += days
fmt.Printf("year = %d\n", year)
// Test show loop values
for month, days := range monthdays {
fmt.Printf("current line key = %s, value = %d\n", month, days)
year = 365
current line key = Jan, value = 31
current line key = Apr, value = 30
current line key = Oct, value = 31
current line key = Nov, value = 30
current line key = Dec, value = 31
current line key = Feb, value = 28
current line key = Mar, value = 31
current line key = May, value = 31
current line key = Jun, value = 30
current line key = Jul, value = 31
current line key = Aug, value = 31
current line key = Sep, value = 30
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
monthdays := map[string]int{
"Jan": 31, "Feb": 28, "Mar": 31,
"Apr": 30, "May": 31, "Jun": 30,
"Jul": 31, "Aug": 31, "Sep": 30,
"Oct": 31, "Nov": 30, "Dec": 31,
// Add a new key in maps
monthdays["newmonth"] = 100
fmt.Printf("monthdays = %v\n", monthdays)
// Update current key value
monthdays["newmonth"] = 101
fmt.Printf("monthdays = %v\n", monthdays)
// Test key exsits
// It’s more Go like to name present “ok”, and use: v, ok := monthdays["Jan"].
// In Go we call this the “comma ok” form.
value, ok := monthdays["newmonth"]
fmt.Printf("value = %d, present = %t\n", value, ok)
// Test key not exists
// NOTE(Ray): As we already define variable ok above, if the key is used again
// we will get error: "no new variables on left side of :="
// We can use new variable or just use = instead :=
value, ok = monthdays["none"]
fmt.Printf("value = %d, present = %t\n", value, ok)
// Delete key
delete(monthdays, "newmonth")
fmt.Printf("monthdays = %v\n", monthdays)
monthdays = map[Apr:30 Aug:31 Dec:31 Feb:28 Jan:31 Jul:31 Jun:30 Mar:31 May:31 Nov:30 Oct:31 Sep:30 newmonth:100]
monthdays = map[Apr:30 Aug:31 Dec:31 Feb:28 Jan:31 Jul:31 Jun:30 Mar:31 May:31 Nov:30 Oct:31 Sep:30 newmonth:101]
value = 101, present = true
value = 0, present = false
monthdays = map[Apr:30 Aug:31 Dec:31 Feb:28 Jan:31 Jul:31 Jun:30 Mar:31 May:31 Nov:30 Oct:31 Sep:30]